Integrated Policy

Steam’s sustainability mission envisions addressing the needs of Clients while handling the business in a socially, economically, and environmentally responsible manner for the interest of current and future generations, thereby creating value for all stakeholders. Every day, Steam helps Clients safeguard the environment, conserve energy, protect lives, and support the economies and social structures of communities. At Steam, we are building a sustainable business in partnership with our people and the communities in which we operate. We believe leadership in sustainability is more than just a responsibility; it is a privilege.

Ethical Management


Ethical management refers to corporate management that not only fulfills economic goals and legal responsibilities, but also meets the ethical expectations imposed by social norms in conducting business and strives to achieve sustainability through the company acting as a responsible member of society.

For this purpose, STEAM Company plays a pivotal role in making contributions to the development of society and the economy by creating values for all its stakeholders. Furthermore, STEAM practices a corporate management that contributes to the happiness of mankind. To this end, STEAM establishes its own code of ethics to discuss and direct every decision making process and practice in relation to all management activities.

Quality Management

Policy of Quality

The Quality Management System has the full commitment of Steam Managing Director who is responsible for ensuring the effectiveness of the system and the quality of the services. It is Steam’s Quality Assurance policy to provide services to its Clients which meet or exceed the requirements of the model and other national and international standards accepted by Steam from its Clients.

Management encourages and expects all employees to adopt and display the same commitment to quality within their areas of discipline. To achieve this, Steam provides its employees with all required resources and training. The appointed Quality Assurance Representative is vested with the authority and organizational freedom to identify quality related problems, recommend corrective and preventive actions, verify the implementation of such actions and ensure their effectiveness.
The overall monitoring and auditing of the Quality Management System is the responsibility of the Quality Assurance Representative who is supported through regular management reviews held by the Managing Director and attended by senior management.

Safety Management

Heath, Safety and Environmental Policy

STEAM Industrial & Engineering Company private joint stock, is that each of its employees shall be provided with a safe and healthy place in which workshop or construction site.
To achieve the policy, management will make every reasonable effort in areas of accident prevention, hazard control and removal, injury protection and health preservation to every practical extent. These aspects of working conditions will be given top priority in company plants procedures, programs and job instruction. In conjunction with this policy, a series of safe working rules and procedures on specific individual Health, Safety and Environmental matters has been established by Steam I&E and is issued to employees. Employees are instructed in these procedures. These rules are of primary in both an individual and shared responsibility of all employees there by providing opportunities for all provide a means for safety issues to be raised and resolved.
Accident prevention is strongly emphasized. The reporting of hazardous conditions is essential at any location where you are required to work by Steam I&E. Employees must ensure that they are not being exposed to dangers, which could result in injury. If they are, they should immediately contact their supervisor.
The success of our safety policy and program ultimately rests on the willingness of every one to co-operate and work collectively with a team spirit and with open channels of communication.

Social Contribution

Social responsibility

Our commitment to sharing includes both our employees and even their families participate, reflect our responsibility to care for our neighbors in need. We will further develop innovative technologies and practice sharing and caring activities for a better world for everyone. We aim to work in partnership with local communities and other stakeholders to understand and manage the social impacts of our business, address any concerns, and maximize the benefits we can bring.